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In The News


PURE FICTION Goes to Cannes Film Festival again, but this time with a finished feature.

Writer/Director Sohail A. Hassan will travel to the Cannes Film Market 2019 to meet with the films new International Sales Agent EastWest Distribution and help promote the REVENGE OF THE NECROMANCER to international film distributors.

We signed a deal with our wonderful new friends at Berlin in February 2019 and now they are ready to start selling the film.

Here's hoping it goes worldwide.

Premiere of the pilot for Sleepless (Søvnløs) at Valby Kino, Copenhagen

The premiere of the pilot of Sleepless will be showing, on saturday the 31th of January 2015 in Valby Kino. It will be a whole event were the two short movies No good deed and INMATE 48 also will be showing. Pure Fiction is looking foreward to a festive evening with crew, cast and special invited guest. We are very greateful for the coorperation with Valby Kino, which makes it possible to have events like this. 

A new year. A new beginning. New ideas.

New employees.

It is a new year and it is time for some changes. Pure Fiction is ready for some new and big adventures. Our new years resolution is to make a feature film. To accomodate such grand plans, two new employees have joined us. Welcome to Jannick Raunow our new producer and Sarah Carlsen our new production coordinator. We hope you will enjoy working at Pure Fiction and we will make some wonderful magic together.

INMATE 48 to Berlin short film festival 2014  

Director Sohail A. Hassan and producer Jannick Raunow were sent to represent Pure Fiction film in Berlin short film festival and for the screening of INMATE 48. 


Copenhagen PIX international filmfestival - Movie Battle 2014

We are thrilled to announce that our Sci-Fi / Thriller short will premiere and be in the Movie Battle competition at Copenhagen filmfestival (CPH:PIX) April 7th. 2014. On cinema Palads biggest screen at 9:30 PM.


Tickets available here


NB: Subscribe to our coming newsletter to stay updated on screenings and development.

INMATE 48 to premiere at Movie Battle 2014 - CPH:PIX

april 7th. at Cinema Palads Copenhagen. 

No Good Deed accepted to CANNES SHORT FILM CORNER 2013 


See the online catalogue mention for No Good Deed

We are proud to announce that PURE FICTION short No Good Deed will be screening at this years Cannes Film Festival under the Short Film Corner. Director Sohail A. Hassan and Actor Danny Thykær, will be attending the festival.

We have also submitted No Good Deed to several other upcoming festivals for 2013 / 2014.

Subscribe to our coming newsletter to stay updated on screenings and development.

Online Danish Film Blog Kulturkappellet interviews writer/director Sohail A. Hassan Interview May 2013 (in Danish)

Film journalist and researcher Kim Toft Hansen interviews Pure Fiction's CEO and Writer/Director Sohail A. Hassan about his unusual entry into the film business and the growing independant film scene in Denmark. (In Danish)

No Good Deed accepted to CANNES SHORT FILM CORNER 2013 


See the online catalogue mention for No Good Deed

We are proud to announce that Pure Fiction short No Good Deed will be screening at this years Cannes Film Festival under the Short Film Corner. Director Sohail A. Hassan and Actor Danny Thykær, will be attending the festival.

We have also submitted No Good Deed to several other upcoming festivals for 2013 / 2014.

Subscribe to our coming newsletter to stay updated on screenings and development.


Filmrablerier Review May 2012 (in Danish)

Film critic Elias Eliot gives honorable mention to No Good Deed.

Online Blog Filmrablerier mentions No Good Deed

Online Blog Filmrablerier mentions No Good Deed Review May 2012 (in Danish)

Film critic Kim Toft Hansen gives honorable mention to No Good Deed and actor Danny Thykær.

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